Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Inspiring lesson from S4S leadership conference

The leadership conference was one of the very rewarding experiences I had throughout my leadership learning journey. What I found really inspiring was the young lady, one of the keynote speakers, who dedicated her life just to organize a social movement to cut poverty cycle, not only in Australia but for the entire globe. I believe cutting such a cycle is just climbing a really high and slippery cliff which threatens the climber’ life, yet she is now in the middle of her journey at the top the cliff.

Listening to her sharing experiences leads me to a conclusion that leadership exist in every one. We do not have to be powerful people to make a change. All we need to do is to raise a sense of care, love and empathy to what happens in our surrounding. Once this feeling becomes stronger and stronger, power will come to us. We will have the courage and confidence to talk to others about the unfortunate reality facing our society. We will, definitely, have braveness to dream of a change. With this great feeling, aura of leadership will start burning like fire in the cold. Then, everybody will notice our existence. In the long run, more power will be in surrounding. 

Personally speaking, the conference provided, indeed, an invaluable lesson for me and for the rest of the participants. Each speaker honestly expressed their deep feeling and thoughts about what it meant to make a change. Their inspiring stories have successfully triggered everyone in the conference room to wake up and start to change, no matter how big they can contribute to make a change. Very unfortunately, however, only a few people could experience such an incredible moment of learning. There should be more participants in that place because the conference was such a great source of energy to recharge everyone’s leadership battery. Not only deepening their understanding, but conference would build their leadership capacity. I do hope that there would be more similar conferences with more people attending them.

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